Monday, October 31, 2011




推荐个台湾中华电信dns: 和

编辑pdnsd的配置文件  sudo vim /etc/pdnsd.conf

# The following section is most appropriate if you have a fixed connection to
# the Internet and an ISP which provides good DNS servers.
server {
    label= "mydns";
    ip =,;  # Put your ISP's DNS-server address(es) here.
#   proxy_only=on;     # Do not query any name servers beside your ISP's.
                       # This may be necessary if you are behind some
                       # kind of firewall and cannot receive replies
                       # from outside name servers.
    timeout=4;         # Server timeout; this may be much shorter
               # that the global timeout option.
    #uptest=if;         # Test if the network interface is active.
    #interface=eth0;    # The name of the interface to check.
    #    ping_timeout=100;
    interval=10m;      # Check every 10 minutes.
    purge_cache=off;   # Keep stale cache entries in case the ISP's
               # DNS servers go offline.
然后重启就ok了 sudo rc.d restart pdnsd

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